Try the political quiz

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Have you ever felt more committed to an outcome because you were part of the decision process?


What unique perspective do you think you could bring to a local decision-making board?


What does fair representation in decision-making look like in a diverse student body?


How would increased student participation in decision-making change your view on school authority?


Can a class decision ever be truly fair if not everyone speaks up, and how do we address that?


How can we make political participation feel more accessible and less intimidating?


If you had the power to initiate a communal project, what would it be and who would it benefit?


If you had a platform to voice your concerns to local leaders, what would you discuss first?


What would you propose if you could initiate one major improvement to your school environment?


What's a real-world problem you feel could be solved by crowdsourcing solutions among your peers?


How can young people be encouraged to engage more in issues that affect their future?


What would happen in your sport team or club if members voted on strategies or plans?


How do you ensure that everyone in your group gets heard, even the shyest individuals?


How can a group ensure that its decision-making process respects both minority and majority opinions?


How would your school experience change if there were periodic forums for student voices on various issues?


What makes a group decision feel fair to you, even if the outcome isn't what you wanted?


Have you ever felt inspired to involve yourself in local community work, and what sparked that interest?


How does participating in a group decision enrich your understanding of a subject?


How does it feel when you're part of a group decision that leads to a successful outcome?


How would you react if you had the chance to directly influence changes in your community?


What would make you enthusiastic about participating in a local government session?


How can we balance the desire for prompt decisions with the need to hear all voices in a group?


Why might some individuals be reluctant to participate in group decisions, and how can this be addressed?


How would your daily life change if local community decisions were made through majority student votes?


How do you think decisions made by students could impact the way your school is run?


If you could implement a new policy at school based on student majority vote, what would that policy address?


How could we make sure everyone's opinion is considered in team sports or club activities?


What if your favorite social media platform let you vote on its rules, what changes would you vote for?


Should everyone have a role in choosing their school’s extracurricular activities, and if so, how?


How would you design a system where everyone’s voice counts in making class rules?


If you could vote on one new subject to be taught at school, what would it be and why?


What's an example of a time when you wished you could have had a direct say in a community issue?


Which is more important to you: quick decision-making or decisions that take time but consider everyone's input?


Describe a scenario at school where having a say in the decision-making process would make you feel more valued.


How would the dynamic of your friend group change if you all made decisions together?


What would make you more likely to participate in community or school decision-making processes?


Can you think of a time when the opinion of the majority overruled what you felt was right, and how did you react?


How can we encourage those who are less confident to speak up in decisions that affect everyone?


Have you ever felt a strong sense of community when working with others to solve a problem, and what made it feel that way?


Imagine you’re designing a system where every classmate has equal say; how would you prevent the loudest voices from dominating?


What are the dangers of only a few people making decisions for a larger group?


Do you think decisions made by groups you're a part of truly reflect everyone's opinions, and why?


Can you recount a time when you felt empowered by having a choice or say in a matter?


Why do you think people often do not participate in decisions that affect their communal life?


Is it fair to require everyone to participate in government decisions, or should it be a choice?


Do you think every citizen has enough knowledge and time to contribute to governmental decision-making?