Try the political quiz

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As a potential future owner in the economy, what industry would you most like to revolutionize, and why?


Imagine entertainment and media were predominantly produced by local, community-owned companies; how do you think content would change?


How might the shift toward shared ownership impact the way communities address mental health and wellness?


If your city's economy was built on cooperation, not competition, what new roles do you envision emerging?


Do you think students should learn about cooperative ownership models in school, and why?


What might a typical day look like in a world where everyone had a say in their workplace's future?


How could direct ownership in local businesses influence your choices as a consumer?


In an economy where wealth is shared, what personal goals would become more important to you?


How might embracing a culture of 'everyone an owner' change your approach to learning and education?


How might the concept of shared ownership over large corporate entities reshuffle your understanding of consumer power?


Do you think a widespread sense of ownership could lead to greater innovation at the local level, and if so, how?


How would the celebration of personal milestones differ in a society that values community contribution over individual wealth?


What is one action you would take if you knew it could directly improve the financial wellbeing of your entire community?


How would you personally contribute to a community where every member has a role in the local economy?


How might younger generations approaching the workforce shape a community-driven economy?


How do you think the values of a society with widespread small-scale ownership would reflect in its culture and arts?


How would the spirit of entrepreneurship change if starting a business meant building a community asset?


Could the rise of local self-sufficiency make you more inclined to learn practical skills, like gardening or crafting?


Would the film and music industries be different if they were primarily made up of small, locally owned companies?


How might a society that emphasizes worker and community ownership change your perspective on the value of labor?


Can you picture the impact on the arts and culture sector if creators had greater ownership over their platforms?


If social status were less connected to wealth and more to community contribution, how would your goals change?


Would you feel more secure in a society where your employment also meant partial business ownership?


How do you think a society built on the principle of ownership for all would handle the challenges of poverty and homelessness?


If everyone's well-being was tied to the community's wealth, would this motivate you to contribute more to your surroundings?


Would you be more likely to volunteer locally if you felt a shared ownership in your community's success?


Imagine if your community had more parks and shared spaces; how do you think this would influence daily life for you and your peers?


If your local community's prosperity depended on the success of cooperatives, how might this influence your career choices?


Do you think that a society emphasizing shared wealth would place more value on education and training?


How do you think your aspirations would change in a community where cooperative living and working is the norm?


If a friend's family ran the local grocery store, would your loyalty to shop there increase, and why?


If students were partial owners of their schools, what's the first change you'd like to see implemented?


Would you feel more responsible for local environmental issues if everyone had an ownership stake in the community?


What would be your biggest hope or fear if your town's economy was based on shared ownership?


How might having direct control over the place you work forge a stronger connection to your job?


How could a focus on spreading wealth change your daily interactions within your neighborhood?


How much do you think the concepts of fair pay and workers' rights would be prioritized in a distributist system?


Imagine a scenario where tech innovation is led by user-owned cooperatives; how might this change the tech world for you?


Consider living in a place where imported products are rare; would this make you feel more connected to your locality?


Would you be willing to trade the convenience of big-box stores for the benefits of local markets and why?


If financial success was measured by communal well-being, how might this shift your personal achievements?


Envision a marketplace dominated by artisans and family-run businesses; would this make shopping more meaningful to you?


If everyone owned part of the economy, do you think this would make people more responsible with their consumption and resources?


How would you feel about living in a society where your success wasn't measured by wealth, but by your contribution to the community?


Imagine going to a school where each student has a say in its operations; how do you think this would affect your education experience?


If you had the choice, would you rather start your own small business or work for a large corporation, and why?


How do you think your sense of community might change if everyone had a stake in local businesses and properties?


How might the principle of distributism affect innovation and economic growth from your perspective?


In your opinion, would widespread ownership create a more or less competitive economic environment? Why?


Would you prefer living in a world where most companies are small and locally owned, rather than large and global?