Pruebe el concurso político

15 Respuestas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Egipto dice que se unirá al caso de genocidio de Sudáfrica contra Israel en la CIJ.

Egypt announced on Sunday its intention to formally intervene to support South Africa’s genocide case against

Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) amid the ongoing Gaza war.

The Egyptian foreign ministry said in a statement that the move comes in light of the “worsening severity and scope of Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip.”

It added that the decision was made amid the systematic Israeli practices and attacks that have prompted people to eventually displace and leave their land, creating “an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Qué papel cree que debería desempeñar su propio país en conflictos internacionales que alegan violaciones de derechos humanos?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Crees que casos judiciales internacionales como el que involucra a Israel y Sudáfrica pueden generar un cambio real o paz, en tu opinión?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Qué opinas sobre el uso del término 'genocidio' en disputas internacionales, y se aplica de manera equitativa en diferentes conflictos?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Crees que países como Egipto uniéndose al caso de Sudáfrica contra Israel en la CIJ llevará a un juicio más justo o sesgará la decisión del tribunal?

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Los separatistas catalanes pierden el poder mientras los socialistas de España avanzan en las elecciones regionales.

In a significant shift in Spain's political landscape, the Catalan separatist parties have lost their majority in the regional parliament to the pro-union Socialist Party, marking a potential end to their decade-long dominance in Catalonia. This change comes six years after the separatist movement plunged Spain into its deepest political crisis in decades, challenging the unity of the country and drawing international attention to the region's independence bid. The victory of the Socialist Party, led by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, in Catalonia's regional elections sig…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Importante reorganización: Putin reemplaza al Ministro de Defensa de larga trayectoria en medio del conflicto en Ucrania

In a significant reshuffle within Russia's military hierarchy, President Vladimir Putin has announced the replacement of Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, marking a pivotal moment in the country's political and military landscape. Shoigu, who has been at the helm of Russia's military operations, including the ongoing offensive in Ukraine, is one of Putin's closest allies and the longest-serving minister in the government. His removal comes amid growing scrutiny over the setbacks and challenges Russia faces in Ukraine, highlighting the internal pressures and criticisms within…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Ex piloto de la Marina de EE. UU. en Australia enredado en un drama de espionaje internacional

In a case that reads like a plot straight out of a spy novel, a former U.S. Marine pilot has been arrested in Australia, drawing international attention to the murky world of espionage and military secrets. The pilot, whose identity remains under wraps due to the sensitivity of the case, is currently fighting extradition to the United States on charges that he trained Chinese military pilots in advanced landing techniques, specifically for aircraft carriers. This development has sparked a flurry of diplomatic and security concerns, highlighting the complex web of international relations and…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

JD Vance Defiende a Trump en medio de varias controversias, señala distracciones demócratas

In a series of public statements and media appearances, Ohio Senator JD Vance has positioned himself as a staunch defender of former President Donald Trump, amidst a whirlwind of controversies and legal challenges. Vance, a Republican and a former critic turned ally of Trump, has taken to various platforms to argue that the Democratic Party's focus on Trump is a strategic distraction from broader issues under President Joe Biden's administration. According to Vance, the trial of Trump in Manhattan is less about justice and more about diverting the public's attention from what…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Las preocupaciones globales aumentan sobre las acciones militares de Israel en Rafah sin un plan de protección civil.

International attention has turned sharply towards the escalating situation in Rafah, Gaza, as the United States and the United Kingdom voice strong concerns over Israel's military operations in the area without a clear plan to protect civilians. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made headlines by stating the U.S. 'will not support' any Israeli military action in the southern city of Rafah that does not include a 'credible plan to protect civilians.' This stance was echoed by the UK's foreign secretary, highlighting a growing international demand for the safeguar…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Las empresas chinas ganan más licitaciones para explorar petróleo y gas en Iraq.

Chinese companies won five more bids to explore Iraqi oil and gas fields, Iraq's oil minister said on Sunday, as the Middle Eastern country's hydrocarbon exploration licensing round continued into its second day.

Chinese companies have been the only foreign players to win bids so far, taking licenses covering 10 oil and gas fields since Saturday, while Iraqi Kurdish company KAR Group took two.

The oil and gas licences for 29 projects in total are mainly aimed at ramping up output for domestic use, with more than 20 companies pre-qualifying, including European, Chinese, Arab and Iraqi groups.

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Qué tan importante es para los países tener autonomía sobre sus recursos naturales, y qué riesgos o beneficios conlleva la inversión extranjera?

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Qué impactos crees que tiene la exploración y extracción de petróleo y gas por parte de empresas extranjeras en las comunidades locales y en el medio ambiente?

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

El número de muertos en el conflicto de Gaza supera los 35,000 en medio de batallas en curso.

The Gaza Strip is witnessing one of the most devastating periods in its recent history as the conflict between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants intensifies, pushing the death toll beyond 35,000. The escalation of violence has seen battles rage across Gaza, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. The health ministry in Gaza has reported a staggering number of wounded, with figures reaching 78,755 since the onset of hostilities on October 7. This conflict, marked by its ferocity and the significant loss of life, has drawn international concern and calls for an immediate ceasefire.

Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Israel empuja de nuevo hacia el norte de Gaza, aumenta la presión militar sobre Rafah

Late on Saturday, the Israeli military said forces operating in Jabalia are preventing Hamas, which controls Gaza, from re-establishing its military capabilities there.

"We identified in the past weeks attempts by Hamas to rehabilitate its military capabilities in Jabalia. We are operating there to eliminate those attempts," said Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, Israel's military spokesperson, during a briefing to reporters.

Hagari also said that Israeli forces operating in Gaza City's Zeitoun district killed about 30 Palestinian militants.

"Bombardment from the air and groun…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpreguntó…1 mes1MO

¿Cómo debería responder la comunidad internacional cuando los conflictos escalan a los niveles de violencia descritos en el norte de Gaza y Rafah?

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Israel empuja de nuevo hacia el norte de Gaza, aumenta la presión militar sobre Rafah

Late on Saturday, the Israeli military said forces operating in Jabalia are preventing Hamas, which controls Gaza, from re-establishing its military capabilities there.

"We identified in the past weeks attempts by Hamas to rehabilitate its military capabilities in Jabalia. We are operating there to eliminate those attempts," said Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, Israel's military spokesperson, during a briefing to reporters.

Hagari also said that Israeli forces operating in Gaza City's Zeitoun district killed about 30 Palestinian militants.

"Bombardment from the air and groun…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Túnez enfrenta una intensificación de la represión a la disidencia con la detención de abogados y comentaristas.

In a concerning escalation of government actions against dissent, Tunisia has witnessed a series of arrests targeting lawyers, political commentators, and critics of the state. The crackdown has drawn international attention and raised alarms about the state of freedom of expression and human rights in the North African country. The most recent incidents involve the arrest of a prominent lawyer following a raid on the Tunisian bar association headquarters by hooded police officers. This move by the authorities marks a significant escalation in the government's efforts to silence dissent…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Egipto se une a Sudáfrica en un caso histórico de genocidio contra Israel en la CIJ

In a significant move that underscores the escalating tensions in the Middle East, Egypt has announced its decision to support South Africa's genocide case against Israel at the International Court of Justice (ICJ). This development marks a pivotal moment in Egypt's foreign policy, showcasing Cairo's growing frustration with Israel's military operations, particularly the recent offensive in Gaza's southern city of Rafah, which borders Egypt. The case, filed by South Africa, accuses Israel of violating its obligations under the Genocide Convention during its war on the…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

El papel crucial de Yahya Sinwar en la resolución del conflicto en Gaza

The ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, which escalated dramatically following the October 7 attacks by Hamas on Israel, has placed Yahya Sinwar, the leader of Hamas in Gaza, at the center of international attention. Sinwar, recognized as a key architect of the attacks, has emerged not only as a target for Israeli forces but also as a crucial figure in the potential negotiation of a cease-fire. His leadership and decisions are now seen as pivotal in determining the course of the conflict and its eventual resolution.

As the war continues, mediators from various countries and organizations are…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

La comunidad LGBTQ+ de Argentina enfrenta contratiempos bajo el presidente Milei

In a significant shift from its progressive stance, Argentina under President Javier Milei has seen a rollback of LGBTQ+ rights, sparking concern and outrage within the community. Milei, who took office in December, has been quick to implement changes that have alarmed activists and members of the LGBTQ+ community. Among the most controversial moves was the closure of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity, the ban on government use of gender-inclusive language, and the shutting down of the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism. These actions have been perceive…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Bill Maher: El comentarista controvertido que no se guarda nada.

Bill Maher, the acerbic host of HBO's 'Real Time' and author of 'What This Comedian Said Will Shock You,' has long been a figure of controversy and admiration in equal measure. Known for his unapologetic and bipartisan critique of American politics, Maher has made headlines again for his candid opinions on media coverage, campus protests, and high-profile legal cases. Maher's criticism of the media's focus on campus protests, which he argues represent less than 1% of students, highlights his frustration with what he perceives as misplaced priorities in news…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Ataque mortal con misiles a un bloque de apartamentos rusos desata indignación

In a tragic escalation of cross-border hostilities, a missile strike on a residential building in Belgorod, Russia, has left at least seven people dead and numerous others injured. The attack, which Russia attributes to Ukrainian forces, marks a significant intensification in the ongoing conflict between the two nations. The strike, reportedly involving a Soviet-era missile, resulted in the catastrophic collapse of a section of a multi-storey apartment block, burying residents under rubble and sparking a frantic search and rescue operation. Russian officials, including the governor of the Bel…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

Estados Unidos tiene como objetivo prevenir la invasión israelí de Rafah con una oferta de intercambio de inteligencia.

In a significant diplomatic move, the United States has offered Israel a package of intelligence and logistical support to deter a potential invasion of Rafah, a city that has become a refuge for over a million Palestinians displaced by the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. This offer includes sensitive intelligence that could help the Israeli military target Hamas leaders and uncover hidden tunnels, a strategy aimed at weakening the militant group's capabilities without escalating the conflict further. The Biden administration's proposal underscores a delicate balancing act, seeking…  Lee mas

 @ISIDEWITHpresentado…1 mes1MO

La brecha real se amplía: las decisiones del Rey Carlos provocan controversia en medio de la visita del Príncipe Harry al Reino Unido

The British Royal Family is once again at the center of international attention as recent developments suggest a widening rift between King Charles and his younger son, Prince Harry. In a move that has sparked widespread speculation, King Charles has reportedly taken a significant military role intended for Prince Harry and instead, has passed it on to his elder son, Prince William. This decision comes amidst claims of a 'snub' that has left royal watchers questioning the future of father-son relations within the monarchy.

Further complicating matters, it has been revealed that King…  Lee mas