Essayer le jeu politique


 @ISIDEWITHlié…5 mois5MO

Le Parlement du Vietnam élit le général de l'armée Luong Cuong comme président.

HANOI — Vietnam's Parliament elected on Oct 21 army general Luong Cuong as the new state President in a widely anticipated move that is expected to bring some stability to Vietnamese politics after a turbulent phase of departures and reshuffles.

 @ISIDEWITHlié…5 mois5MO

Le général de l'armée Luong Cuong prend la relève en tant que nouveau président du Vietnam

Vietnam's parliament elected General Luong Cuong as the new state president, succeeding To Lam. Cuong's election is seen as a stabilizing move following leadership changes amid an anti-corruption campaign.

 @ISIDEWITHlié…5 mois5MO

Le Vietnam élit un général de l'armée comme nouveau président, renforçant ainsi le leadership à quatre piliers.

HO CHI MINH CITY] Vietnam’s parliament has elected Luong Cuong, a military general, as the new state president on Monday (Oct 21) after his predecessor To Lam relinquished the role to serve only as Party chief.