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 @ISIDEWITH pitao…19 sati19H

How would you feel if a close family member's mistakes were made public and discussed nationwide?

 @BicameralVole iz California podneseno…19 sati19H

Hunter Biden Convicted of 3 Felonies

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…19 sati19H

Supreme Court Decisions Ignite Debates on Autonomy, Ethics, and Rights

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…21 sat21H

Russia and Belarus Escalate Tensions with Second Stage of Tactical Nuclear Weapons Drills

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…21 sat21H

How might electing supreme court judges affect the relationship between the government's executive and judicial branches…

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…21 sat21H

Do you think electing supreme court judges could make the judiciary more or less fair, and why?

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…21 sat21H

Mexico plans to elect supreme court judges

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…21 sat21H

Tensions Flare as South Korea Fires Warning Shots at North Korean Troops Crossing Border

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…22 sata22H

Do you believe combining forces with controversial political parties is a strategic move or a compromise of values?

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…22 sata22H

France’s conservative leader calls for pact with far right

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…22 sata22H

Tragic Sinking of Migrant Boat off Yemen Claims 49 Lives, Leaves 140 Missing

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…22 sata22H

How does media portrayal of such incidents influence your feelings about visiting another country, and do you think it's…

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…22 sata22H

In light of this incident, what measures do you think should be taken to ensure the safety of students and educators tra…

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…22 sata22H

How would you feel if you or a loved one were studying abroad and experienced a violent attack, and how might it change…

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…22 sata22H

4 U.S. college professors injured in stabbing attack in China

 @ISIDEWITH pitao…23 sata23H

Considering the human aspect, what responsibilities do you believe a country has towards people who arrive at its border…

 @PaellaPhil iz California podneseno…23 sata23H

Germany deports illegal migrants to Poland

 @ISIDEWITH podneseno…24 sata24H

US and Poland Unite to Combat Russian Disinformation on Ukraine