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60 Ответы

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Конгресс просит ФБР шпионить за студенческими протестующими

On May 10, the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray asking “whether the FBI had any related undercover employees, online covert employees, or confidential human sources” among what it called “pro-Hamas protests on college campuses.”

By sending the letter, Congress is in effect pressuring the FBI to penetrate the protests with both on-the-ground and online informants (if it hasn’t already). An obvious threat to the freedom of speech and association enshrined in the Constitution, the letter tries to circu…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Учитывая запрос Конгресса к ФБР, вы считаете, что существует точка, когда студенческая активность идет слишком далеко, или все формы протеста должны быть защищены в рамках свободы слова?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как бы вы отреагировали, если бы вы узнали, что ваш однокурсник или онлайн-аккаунт, с которым вы взаимодействовали, на самом деле является информатором ФБР, собирающим информацию о ваших действиях?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Вы считаете, что потенциал протеста в поддержку контроверзиальных взглядов оправдывает правительственное наблюдение, и почему?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Если студенческие протесты наблюдаются ФБР, это заставляет вас быть более осторожным в том, что вы говорите или делаете онлайн и в общественных местах?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Северная Корея обещает усилить ядерное сдерживание в ответ на подкритический испытательный взрыв США

In a move that has escalated tensions on the international stage, North Korea has announced its intention to strengthen its nuclear deterrence capabilities. This declaration comes as a direct response to the United States' recent subcritical nuclear test conducted in Nevada, as announced by the U.S.'s National Nuclear Security Administration. The test, which did not involve a nuclear explosion but rather was designed to examine the behavior of nuclear materials under certain conditions, has nonetheless sparked a significant reaction from Pyongyang. North Korea views the U.S. action…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Новый президент Тайваня Лай Чин-тэ призывает Китай прекратить тактику запугивания

In a bold move that marks a significant moment in Taiwan's political landscape, the newly inaugurated President Lai Ching-te has openly called on China to cease its political and military intimidation of the island. This plea comes at a time when tensions between Taiwan and China are notably high, with Beijing viewing Taiwan as part of its territory, despite the island's self-governance and democratic system. Lai's inauguration not only signifies the start of a historic third consecutive term for Taiwan's ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) but also sets a defiant…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Иран скорбит и празднует: сложное наследие президента Ибрагима Раиси

The sudden death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash has sent shockwaves through Iran and the international community. Known for his brutal crackdowns against political opposition, Raisi's passing at the age of 63 marks the end of a controversial chapter in Iran's history. His tenure was marked by a harsh stance against dissent, earning him the moniker 'Butcher of Tehran' and making him a polarizing figure both within and outside of Iran.

In the wake of his death, reactions within Iran have been mixed. While some mourn the loss of their leader, others…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Байден назвал заявки на арест израильских лидеров "скандальными"

US President Joe Biden has strongly denounced the decision by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to seek arrest warrants against Israeli leaders, calling it “outrageous.”“

Let me be clear: whatever this prosecutor might imply, there is no equivalence — none — between Israel and Hamas,” the president wrote. “We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Нации предлагают молитвы Ирану после смерти президента

Several leaders in Asia and Europe offered their support and prayers to Iran as the country continues rescue operations for a helicopter that crashed while carrying Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi on Sunday.

Turkey’s disaster and emergency management agency on Sunday said it would send 32 mountaineer search-and-rescue employees and six vehicles to Iran to assist in the operations. A group of other employees are also standing by as needed, the agency said on the social platform X.

Armenia and Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministries separately said they were prepared to provide support.

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 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Изменяет ли международная реакция на трагедию в Иране ваше восприятие того, как страны могут объединиться во времена нужды?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как вы относитесь к тому, что нации предлагают молитвы и помощь Ирану во время трагедии, даже если дипломатические отношения могут быть напряженными?

 @TradeTariffKaylee из North Carolina Отправлено…3 недели3W

Республиканцы Сената представляют законопроект о легализации лечения ВРТ национально.

Republican Sens. Ted Cruz (Texas) and Katie Britt (Ala.) announced Monday that they are introducing legislation to protect legal access to in vitro fertilization (IVF) nationwide in the wake of an Alabama Supreme Court ruling that embryos created by the treatment are children.

Cruz and Britt said they will unveil the bill to clear up the “confusion and misinformation” spread by the ruling, which has alarmed prospective parents who worry they may lose access to the procedure and the chance to have children.

“To address these concerns, we will introduce a bill on Monday to ensur…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Следует ли считать доступ к ЭКО правом или привилегией в обществе?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Китай ввел санкции против оборонных компаний США из-за продажи оружия Тайваню

In a significant escalation of tensions between China and the United States, China has announced sanctions against three major US defense companies over their involvement in arms sales to Taiwan. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce revealed that Boeing Defense, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, and General Dynamics Land Systems have been added to its list of 'unreliable companies'. This move comes as a direct response to the firms' participation in supplying military equipment to Taiwan, an island that China claims as part of its territory despite Taiwan's self-governance…  Прочитайте больше

The sanctions mark a new chapter in the complex relationship between China, the United States, and Taiwan. China has long opposed any form of military assistance to Taiwan from other countries, viewing it as a challenge to its sovereignty claims. The inclusion of these companies on China's blacklist signifies Beijing's readiness to take concrete actions against entities that support Taiwan's military capabilities.

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Папа Франциск осуждает попытки закрыть южную границу как "безумие"

During the April 24 interview with "60 Minutes" that aired Sunday, Francis was asked his thoughts on the conservative backlash against his papacy, with many of his critics being American clergy members.

Francis responded by saying a conservative is someone who "clings to something and does not want to see beyond that."

"It is a suicidal attitude," the pontiff said.

"Because one thing is to take tradition into account, to consider situations from the past, but quite another is to be closed up inside a dogmatic box."

When asked about the state of Texas potent…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Если бы у вас была власть, как бы вы решили сложный вопрос миграции на границе страны?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Каковы ваши мысли по поводу идеи рассмотрения каждого случая мигранта индивидуально и с человечностью, независимо от обстоятельств?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Билл Махер отмахивается от страхов перед диктатурой Трампа как от скучного.

In a series of recent comments, comedian and political commentator Bill Maher has expressed his skepticism about the widespread fears that Donald Trump would govern as a dictator if re-elected in 2024. During an interview with The New York Times' Maureen Dowd, Maher articulated his boredom with the narrative that Trump's potential presidency could lead to authoritarian rule in the United States. Maher's stance has sparked discussions across various platforms, with many echoing his sentiments, while others criticize his dismissal of the concerns as naive.

Maher, known for his sha…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

США призывают к политическому решению войны в Газе

Jake Sullivan, the US national security adviser, sought to increase pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu to accept a political solution to the war in Gaza and a regional deal with Saudi Arabia in talks with the Israeli prime minister.

Sullivan’s push came during a whirlwind trip to the Middle East which included talks on Saturday in Saudi Arabia with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and a stop in Israel on Sunday for meetings with Netanyahu and other top officials.

The visit came as the White House has grown increasingly frustrated with Israel over its plans to launch a ground offensive in the…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как важно рассмотреть основные проблемы, такие как признание палестинского государства, при поиске долгосрочного мира на Ближнем Востоке?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Байден превращает Закон о правах женщин в оружие против женщин и девочек

The Biden administration’s Title IX rule, which the Education Department published on April 29, is a looming disaster for women and girls.

Virtually every school in the nation that takes federal money will now have to allow boys who identify as girls to enter girls’ physical-education classes, locker rooms, showers and bathrooms.

Schools will be compelled to disregard the rights of women and girls in favor of a male’s subjective and sometimes temporary feelings.

It demands that students, teachers and administrators go along with the lies of gender ideology, which are harmin…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как включение gender identity в защиту по Title IX влияет на ваше представление о равенстве и справедливости в школах?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Импортированные автомобили BMW связаны с принудительным трудом в Китае

A congressional investigation found that BMW, Jaguar Land Rover and Volkswagen purchased parts that originated from a Chinese supplier flagged by the United States for participating in forced labor programs in Xinjiang, a far western region of China where the local population is subject to mass surveillance and detentions.

Both BMW and Jaguar Land Rover continued to import components made by the Chinese company into the United States in violation of American law, even after they were informed in writing about the presence of banned products in their supply chain, the report said.

BMW shipped…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как важно для вас, чтобы продукты, которые вы покупаете, были произведены этично, по сравнению с их производительностью или внешним видом?

 @SadCoconutиз Idaho Отправлено…3 недели3W

Ассанж может подать апелляцию на экстрадицию в США

A London court ruled on Monday that Julian Assange, the embattled WikiLeaks founder, could appeal his extradition to the United States, a move that opens a new chapter in his prolonged fight against the order in Britain’s courts.

Two High Court judges said they would allow an appeal to be heard on a limited number of issues.

In March, the judges said that the court would grant a request to appeal unless the American government gave “a satisfactory assurance” that Mr. Assange would be afforded protections under the U.S. Constitution, would not be “prejudiced by reason of…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как важно, по вашему мнению, защищать информаторов, выявляющих недобросовестные действия, несмотря на возможные юридические последствия, с которыми они могут столкнуться?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Избирательное насилие растет в Мексике, десятки политических кандидатов убиты.

In a disturbing escalation of violence, Mexico is witnessing a harrowing trend as numerous political candidates become targets and victims of brutal attacks ahead of the upcoming elections. The southern state of Chiapas has become a focal point of this violence, with recent incidents claiming the lives of 14 individuals in a series of attacks. These attacks are part of a broader wave of violence that has swept across the country, leaving at least 28 candidates for local office dead since September, according to figures released by the NGO Data Civica.

The attacks have varied in method but shar…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Прокурор МКС требует ареста лидеров Израиля и ХАМАСа

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has applied for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Hamas's leader in Gaza Yahya Sinwar for war crimes.

Karim Khan KC said there were reasonable grounds to believe that both men bore criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity from at least 7 October 2023.

Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant and Hamas's political leader Ismail Haniyeh, along with the group's military chief Mohammed Deif are also wanted for arrest.

The ICC, based in The Hague, has been investigating…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Должна ли тяжесть преступления определять возможность обвинения лидеров в международном суде, независимо от их происхождения?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Если кто-то, кого вы крайне поддерживали, был обвинен в преступлениях против человечности, изменится ли ваше мнение о них?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Вы считаете справедливым, что международные организации вмешиваются в дела страны, особенно касательно обвинений в адрес ее лидеров?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Конфликт между Израилем и ХАМАСом обостряется с выпуском видео с заложником

The Israel-Hamas conflict has taken a new turn with the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) releasing a video that they claim showcases the psychological terror tactics employed by Hamas. The video, which has sparked international concern, allegedly shows young Israeli hostages, 8-year-old Ela Elyakim and her 15-year-old sister Dafna Elyakim, being forced to film a propaganda video under duress by Hamas terrorists. This release comes amidst ongoing hostilities that have surpassed the seven-month mark, highlighting the enduring and escalating nature of the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The IDF�…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Американцы среди задержанных в неудавшейся попытке переворота в ДР Конго

In a startling development, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been thrust into the international spotlight following a thwarted coup attempt involving foreign nationals, including Americans. The Congolese military announced it had successfully foiled an attempted coup in the capital, Kinshasa, resulting in the arrest of around 50 individuals. Among those detained are three American citizens, raising concerns and prompting statements from U.S. officials. The incident, which involved a shootout near the presidential palace, has led to at least three fatalities, underscoring the severit…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Судьба Джулиана Ассанжа: Решающий момент в суде

The legal saga of Julian Assange, the controversial founder of WikiLeaks, has reached a critical juncture as British courts deliberate on whether to extradite him to the United States. This decision marks the culmination of a 13-year legal battle that has sparked debates on freedom of the press, national security, and human rights across the globe. Assange faces charges in the US for his role in the mass leak of classified documents, a case that has drawn international attention and divided public opinion.

Assange's legal team has fought tirelessly against his extradition, arguing that…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Трамп выходит на сцену на митинге НРА с смелыми обещаниями и контроверзными замечаниями

At the recent National Rifle Association (NRA) rally in Dallas, former President Donald Trump captured the spotlight with a series of bold promises and controversial remarks that have ignited discussions across the political spectrum. Trump pledged to 'roll back' gun control measures introduced by President Joe Biden and vowed to fire the chief of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) if he returns to office. His speech, while light on new policy details, was heavy on criticism of the current administration's approach to gun laws, positioning himself as…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Американские войска готовы покинуть Нигер к середине сентября в соответствии с соглашением

In a significant development that marks the end of an era in West African counterterrorism efforts, the United States and Niger have jointly announced that all remaining U.S. troops will leave Niger by mid-September. This decision comes after a series of discussions between defense officials from both countries, culminating in a disengagement agreement that sets the stage for the withdrawal of U.S. forces. The Pentagon confirmed that the withdrawal process, which has already commenced, is a direct result of orders from Niger's ruling junta, signaling a shift in the country's approac…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Министр иностранных дел приказывает пресечь утечки информации о Израиле и ХАМАСе

Secretary of State Antony Blinken directed his top staff to crack down on leaks about diplomacy relating to the Israel-Hamas war, saying clearly that he was “angry” with the constant stream of press reports revealing sensitive information.

Not only did classified materials make it into press reports, he chided State leadership earlier this month in a small team meeting, but also fresh proposals to broker a cease-fire and secure the release of hostages held by Hamas. Those leaks made tricky negotiations even harder, he said, and eroded trust within the State Department that document…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как вы бы сбалансировали необходимость прозрачности правительства с необходимостью безопасности в чувствительных ситуациях?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Может ли утаивание информации от общественности когда-либо оправдываться во имя мирных переговоров?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Следует ли общественности всегда знать, что происходит за дипломатическими дверями, или некоторые секреты необходимы для национальной безопасности?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Президент Ирана и министр иностранных дел погибли в результате крушения вертолета.

A helicopter carrying President Ebrahim Raisi of Iran crashed in the northwestern part of the country.

The crash would deprive Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of a longtime ally and potential successor as Tehran angles for regional dominance through armed militias that are fighting the U.S. and Israel.

Drones, dogs, and search and rescue teams were used to locate the helicopter as fog and bad weather made the work difficult, the interior minister, Ahmad Vahidi, said on Iranian state television.

“On Sunday afternoon, a helicopter carrying the President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Какие последствия может иметь крушение на региональные напряжения, учитывая спорные отношения Ирана с соседними странами?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Какую роль, по вашему мнению, играют удача или судьба в управлении и лидерстве страны?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как внезапная потеря лидеров страны может повлиять на чувство стабильности и безопасности нации?

 @ISIDEWITHОтправлено…3 недели3W

Украина просит о помощи США в ударах по целям внутри России

Ukraine has asked the Biden administration to help identify targets in Russia for Kyiv to strike using its own weapons. It has also asked the U.S. to lift restrictions on the use of American provided weapons against military objectives inside Russia, U.S. and defense officials said.

The request comes as Russia had made its biggest territorial gains in Ukraine in nearly 18 months in the northeast region of Kharkiv. Other U.S. officials said that Ukraine’s request, which was made over the past week, was being reviewed.

If the U.S. were to agree to such changes, it could mark a major polic…  Прочитайте больше

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Следует ли потенциал для эскалации конфликта ограничивать ответ страны на запрос военной помощи?

 @ISIDEWITHСпросил…3 недели3W

Как бы вы почувствовали, если ваша страна решила помочь другой нации нанести удар по целям в пределах границ третьей страны?