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 @SeahorseAndyLibertarianĐã nhận xét…5mos5MO

This is exactly why government has way too much power and control over our money. Politicians like Andrew Do find ways to enrich themselves or their families, and the taxpayers end up footing the bill. The less influence these bureaucrats have over our lives and wallets, the better.

 @ISIDEWITHđã liên kết…5mos5MO

Dòng thời gian về cuộc điều tra của LAist: Quận trưởng OC Andrew Do sẽ thú nhận tội trong vụ án hối lộ


A look back at LAist reporting that uncovered more than $13 million in public funds directed to a little-known nonprofit by Andrew Do, who did not disclose that his daughter Rhiannon Do held leadership roles with the group — which was not required by state law at the time.